

ANDROID 5.0 Jelly Beans.

Google i/O, the developer of the company's annual meeting begins on June 27 at the San Francisco Moscone Center. We are waiting for a number of announcements Google, but make it the largest 5.0 are no doubt your new operating system Android jelly bean, his Tablet ASUS Tegra 3 nexus and nexus product new partners.

What do we expect from jelly bean? No one really knows, at this time (with the exception of insiders on Google, of course). Android 4.0 ice cream sandwich was a big step for the operating system. Beam Android, brought us the face, a completely renewed and clean user interface with a better keyboard and more unlock. It is also pretty consistent through mobile phones and tablets. Where can Google you improve? Here is our list of wishes for Android 5.0 jelly bean.

A better browser

Android browser is decent, but it lacks a lot of features that offer competing browser. I have chrome, although its in beta, a product much better be. It is super easy to cruise through several sheets at once and in sync with chrome on my desktop. Mobile synchronization across your PC Tablet and Smartphone, is also present. HTC added a great feature in the sense 4.0 offline reading is your pocket for storing pages allows: in text only format. I would like the jelly bean. It does not surprise me if Google chrome beta is and in primetime in Android 5.0 brings jelly bean. Oh and improved HTML5 support will not hurt, either.

Further improvement of the keyboard

The standard keyboard on Android 4.0 ice cream sandwich is much better than previous iterations, but it is still not perfect. I think there is always room for improvement which would like to see more precisely make its QWERTY keyboard and Android on the screen. I still type the "." instead of the space bar while you write, and I have with ICS Android as my daily driver for several months. What happens to? I think thick fingers. Google would trigger on the QWERTY keyboard of Windows phone, secret wish, which is one of the best what I have ever used.

Clear and specific requirements specifications

This is only a fantasy mine, but I like Google, so that you the example of the Microsoft Windows phone of of consequences of and create a law on the requirements for what not compatible with Android 5.0 jelly bean and what will be. So we got a better idea of which, what phones the fastest update. It must start the company, help to eliminate the problem of fragmentation. Defined range of screen sizes compatible, resolutions, processors, and hardware designs, be that companies can help manufacturers and carriers emit faster iterations future Android.

Address book more stringent, the social network and the integration of the app

WebOS was incredible. You can use a conversation clean chat among multiple clients. For example, could entertain with a friend and then switch to SMS if you or your friend offline pending. The entire conversation thread remained however intact and flowed naturally, regardless of which client have used. I hope that Google will combine this option with Google talk and SMS, and this time it one step further with Skype takes. I would love to have him as my own idea, but BuzzFeed better explains "How to fix smartphones" in an article with the title. Imagine, will be able to, select a contact, and decide whether or not dropbox in a file, start a voice call, to send a Facebook message and much more. Or what if I could all of this in a phone call with them? All these things can do what it looks like, but in reverse order. For example, you can open a picture and decide sharing on several of the above mentioned methods. But why not to can these options directly from the address book?

Better integration between Android phones and tablets

This should not be difficult to implement. I wish that I quickly and transparently could move the contents of my Android phone to my Android tablet. NFC Android can do, if we had enabled tablets in the NFC. But I want to promote integration. What is if somehow my Tablet PC computers could use I send from my phone text messages and? Or a call comes see, in my phone while I my Tablet PC computer? What a little trying with your accessories portable base, which connect a phone and manage, complete control over him in a form factor of style NetBook, Motorola and what does reminds me with his Padfone ASUS. In fact, now that I think I want to RIM BlackBerry bridge zwis

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