

Samsung Officially: GALAXY S III reaches 9 million pre-orders

You may remember that Samsung sold 10 Million S II device in 2010, If you think that is quite a Great Number... Think again! The Samsung Galaxy S III, has already passed 9 Million units pre-ordered and it still not released yet according to a Samsung official who passed on the number to the Korea Economic Daily.

As it turned out, J.K. Shin Samsung's top executive in its mobile division, estimate was on the light side because as of last February, 20 million units of the phone that many call the best Android model ever, were sold. Still, the 9 million units pre-ordered in less than a month compared with the 10 months it took the Samsung Galaxy S II to reach 20 million indicates that the Korean manufacturer has another huge winner on its hands.

What makes the number of Samsung Galaxy S III units pre-ordered so impressive is that the total does not include the U.S. market where the phone is not expected to launch until next month. Once you add in the States, the sequel is going to be putting up some very impressive numbers. The anonymous Samsung official said that the pre-orders for the Galaxy S III came from 290 mobile operators from 145 countries throughout the world. The pre-order total compares with 1 million units pre-ordered for the Samsung Galaxy S when it was launched in 2010, and 3 million units pre-ordered for the Samsung Galaxy S II last year.

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